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Pj Gubernur Heru Salat Iduladha di Balai Kota
photo Nugroho Sejati -

Acting Governor Performs Idul Adha Prayer at Jakarta City Hall

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono did Idul Adha prayers 1444 Hijri in the Jakarta City Hall courtyard, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Thursday (6/29).

Allow me and my family to hand over a cow as a sacrifice

He, who was present wearing a white koko shirt, black pants, and a cap, was accompanied by City Secretary, Joko Agus Setyono and Central MUI Chairman for Fatwas, Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh. The leadership of Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) within Jakarta Provincial Government was also seen attending the prayer.

Central MUI Chairman for Fatwas, Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh acted as a khatib and the prayer was led by Ustadz Raden Harmoko.

Acting Governor Donates One-Ton Cow for Idul Adha

After the prayer, the Acting Governor handed over a limousin-type cow weighing one ton to the Jakarta's Indonesian Civil Service Corps (KORPRI) to be handed over to those in need, namely mustahik.

"Allow me and my family to hand over a cow as a sacrifice to the qurban committee to be handed over to the rightful person. May our worship be accepted and get the pleasure of God," he expressed.

He urged the public to apply the eco-qurban principle when carrying out qurbani processions, namely protecting the environment by not littering and using environmentally friendly containers.

"Yesterday, there was a committee that gave directions and explanations. Hopefully, no one throws waste carelessly. The village chairmen would also be in charge of monitoring," he concluded.

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