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Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu Akan Helatkan Hajatan Tradisi Budaya
photo Istimewa -

Cultural Tradition Celebration to Enliven Seribu Islands This Weekend

The Seribu Islands Culture Sub-agency is about to hold a Cultural Tradition Celebration event at Tidung Island Square, South Seribu Islands starting from October 28-29, 2023.

It aims to maintain cultural heritage

Guidance and Utilization Division Head, Triyadi Purnomo said this cultural tradition celebration is an annual event to welcome the Local Regency's 22nd Anniversary on November 9, 2023.

"It aims to maintain cultural heritage with the philosophical values of life contained in the form of local cultural arts traditions," he expressed, Thursday (10/26).

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He explained it was also aimed at exploring the potential and talents of the community considering that in these activities there are float boat competitions seafood cooking competitions, colossal drama arts, and mass dances.

"The decorative boat competition aims to make people more creative and be able to beautify boats as a means of transportation," he explained.

According to him, the target participants in this event were all levels of society from six sub-districts throughout the Regency, starting from pupils, university students, and the general public.

The participants can register by accessing the page

Aside that, there would also be cultural parades from six sub-districts, MSME bazaars, cultural exhibitions, and free health checks.

"Hopefully, it can attract more tourists to visit Seribu Islands," he hoped.

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