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Pemkot Jakpus dan BBPOM DKI Gelar Pengawasan Takjil di Johar Baru
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Takjil Supervision Held in Johar Baru

Central Jakarta Administration and Jakarta Drug and Food Monitoring Agency (BBPOM), Wednesday (3/27), held takjil (breakfast light meal) product supervision at Taman Segitiga Jalan Johar Baru Utara 1, RT 09/03, Johar Baru Urban Village.

We took 10 samples

Central Jakarta Economy and Development Asssistant Secretary, Bakwan Ferizan Ginting, said supervision aimed to ensure that food sold at this location is safe to consume and is not exposed to dangerous substances.

BBPOM-North Jakarta Administration Supervise Takjil in Kebon Bawang Urban Village

"We took 10 samples," he said, Thursday (3/28).

The officers took samples such as lontong (rice cake), tofu, corn fritter, and ice syrup. Based on the lab test, there was one noodle sample exposed with formalin.

Ginting admitted there was no sanction for traders since knowledge learning was given directly at the scene. His side will track the product source as well.

"We'll ask UKM to teach traders not using dangerous substance," he added.

Meanwhile, Jakarta BBPOM's Information and Communication Coordinator, Evi Citraprianti, hoped people will increase their literacy about dangerous foods.

"Noodle products containing formaldehyde usually have a shiny, oily and chewy texture. Syrup with a striking color should also be avoided," she stated.

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