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BBPOM dan Pemkot Jakbar Periksa Takjil di Jalan Panjang
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

BBPOM Runs Food Monitoring at Jalan Panjang Takjil Center

Jakarta Drug and Food Monitoring Agency cooperated with West Jakarta Administration supervised food at Takjil Center, Jalan Panjang, Kelapa Dua Urban Village, Kebon Jeruk Sub-district.

to ensure the quality

Jakarta BBPOM Head, Sofiyani Chandrawati Anwar, said supervision was run by taking sample of food/snack sold by sellers there.

"This activity is to ensure the quality and guarantee aspects of the food sold provide a sense of security for the people," she said, Thursday (4/4).

Jakarta BBPOM Intensifies Food Monitoring

Sofiyani added that her side took 28 samples to be tested at laboratory. As the result, there was one sample contained rhodamine. Sellers were asked not to sell the products again.

Meanwhile, West Jakarta City Secretary's Community Welfare Head, Abdurrahman, stated there are more than 100 sellers at the location.

"West Jakarta Administration supports the activity run by BBPOM fully. Hopefully it can educate society to buy safe products for the sake of their health," he stated.

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