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Dharma Jaya, Ketersediaan, Kesehatan, Hewan Kurban, Iduladha2024
photo Istimewa -

Dharma Jaya Guarantees Qurban Animals Supply Safe

The availability of qurban animals, both cows and goats, is certain to be sufficient to meet sacrificial needs ahead of Idul Adha 1445 Hijri/2024 AD.

The stock of cows and goats is sufficient ahead of Idul Adha

Perumda Dharma Jaya President Director, Raditya Endra Budiman said that in Jakarta, there were 800 cows and 100 goats so far and they were ready to be distributed to the community.

"The stock of cows and goats is sufficient ahead of Idul Adha. They are ready to be distributed to meet sacrificial needs," he expressed, Monday (6/10).

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He explained all qurban animals were also ensured to be in a healthy condition so that they were halal and hygienic for public consumption. The animals' health had gone through a series of health checks in collaboration with the Jakarta Food Security, Maritime and Agricultural Agency (KPKP) and veterinarians.

"Qurban animals whose health has been checked will be given a mark to provide certainty for people who want to buy these animals," he explained.

He added that Perumda Dharma Jaya ensures that the stock of incoming qurban animals is completely healthy before entering the slaughterhouse area (RPH) owned by Perumda Dharma Jaya in the Cakung area, East Jakarta.

Thereby, they guaranteed the availability of halal animal meat and followed Islamic law to reduce the risk of the spread of zoonotic diseases and animal diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Salmonella.

"We ensure that the animals that enter the Cakung slaughterhouse are healthy, halal, and hygienic. This is a guarantee to the people of Jakarta that their needs for qurban animals have met health standards," he stated.

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