Dharma Jaya Embung Construction Keeps Being Accelerated
Reported by Tiyo Surya Sakti | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
We will also build a retention embung next March
The South Jakarta Water Resources Sub-agency (SDA) reported that the progress of the construction of the Dharma Jaya Embung (artificial lake) on Jalan Kemang Utara IX, Bangka Urban Village, Mampang Prapatan Sub-district has reached 50 percent.
South Jakarta SDA Sub-agency's Drainage Maintenance Section Staff, Shahnan stated, the reservoir was built to prevent flooding due to high water discharge in the Mampang River, especially during the rainy season.
E. Jakarta Acting Mayor Inspects Setu Biru Embung for Planting Trees"This has been studied properly, so it will provide benefits to local residents," he expressed, Tuesday (2/25).
He explained the work was divided into two stages, the first of which was the construction of an embung as a conservation area of 1,600 square meters.
Then, his party also built an embung as a retention pond covering 600 square meters for flood control.
"For the conservation embung, we sent four excavators on November 20, 2024, and finally completed. We will also build a retention embung next March," he explained.
He added the Dharma Jaya Embung would also have supporting facilities, such as jogging tracks, parks, play areas, pump houses, and public toilets.
"Hopefully, everything goes smoothly so that the results obtained are more optimal," he hoped.