Flood Survivors Appreciate Adminduk Services in Rawajati
Reported by Tiyo Surya Sakti | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Flood survivors living in Rawajati Urban Village, Pancoran Sub-district, South Jakarta, appreciated the door-to-door population administration services (Adminduk) up to licensing.
Thank you, fast service and processed immediately today
As stated by one of the flood survivors, Achmad Rais (43), where the service was held at the evacuation posts, both at Musala Al-Hikmah RW 03 and Flood Post, RW 07.
"Alhamdulillah (thank God), the government is very caring. I am proposing the replacement of the Family Card that was damaged due to water," he expressed, Friday (3/7).
Post-flood Mud and Garbage in Bidara Cina CleanedHe explained the services provided were very helpful, as many residents did not have time to save documents and other letters.
"Thank you, fast service and processed immediately today,"
he explained.Rawajati Urban Village Population and Civil Registration Head, Mellinda Rachmasari stated the adminduk service has been ongoing since Wednesday (3/5).
"As of this noon, there have been a total of 20 document processings," she explained.
She continued that the services provided were printing electronic ID cards, Family Cards (KK), Child Identity Cards (KIA), and others.
"We provide optimal service. Damaged or lost documents are printed on the same day," she stressed.
Rawajati Urban Village Urban Village Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Management Unit Head, Isfi Ervitasari added, her party also provided a permit pick-up service for flood survivors.
The licensing services provided were Cemetery Land Use Permit (IPTM), Business Identification Number (NIB), and Certificate of Poverty (SKTM) that are lost or damaged.
"We are optimizing today's service with Dukcapil starting at 8 AM to 3 PM," she closed.