Takjil Inspection in South Jakarta Being Intensified
Reported by Tiyo Surya Sakti | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
The South Jakarta Health Sub-agency keeps
intensifying the inspection of takjil (iftar snacks) for harmful substances to ensure that the community can enjoy food or drinks that are safe for consumption.This is a preventive measure
Disease Prevention and Control Section Head, Fitria Ramdhitabudi stated the takjil inspection is a routine agenda in Ramadhan.
"Yesterday, we inspected takjil in Pondok Labu Urban Village, Cilandak Sub-district," she expressed, Wednesday (3/12).
Takjil Supervision in Central Jakarta Begins Second WeekShe explained officers took 43 samples of food and drinks from traders to be examined in the laboratory.
"The types of takjil examined include lontong, tofu, noodles, fruit ice, jelly, tofu martabak, and grass jelly. This examination covers four main parameters: Borax, Formalin, Metanil Yellow, and Rhodamine B," she explained.
According to her, those 43 samples were then subjected to rapid tests. The result was that one sample of tofu martabak tested positive for formalin.
"This positive formalin sample will be sent to the Regional Health Laboratory for confirmation testing," she added.
Pondok Labu Community Health Center Head, Putri Atmayanti added education was also given to traders regarding cleanliness and safe serving methods.
As a form of appreciation, the community health center placed stickers at the locations of traders who have undergone training.
"This sticker indicates that the sales place has met health standards and received guidance from the community health center," she added.
Food Health Working Team Chief for Directorate General of Environmental Health, Adhi Sambodo mentioned, the takjil inspection is done throughout Indonesia as a form of government concern in ensuring food security for the community.
"This is a preventive measure to ensure that food products sold in Ramadhan are safe and fit for consumption. The government is present to ensure that the food served meets health standards," he stated.