Simultaneous Harvest in West Jakarta Produces Hundreds of Kilogram of Vegetable and Fish
Reported by Tiyo Surya Sakti | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
The simultaneous harvest led by Jakarta Vice Governor, Rano Karno was also run in West Jakarta. Hundreds of kilograms of vegetable and fish were harvested from 30 locations in West Jakarta.
fulfil resident's needs ahead of Eid
Uus said today's harvest in West Jakarta was held at planting area of RPTRA, Gang Hijau, and Farm Group (Poktan) spread in eight districts.
"Not only to maintain the food security, the simultaneous harvest results are able to fulfil resident's needs ahead of Eid," he said, Wednesday (3/19).
28 Kilograms of Fresh Vegetables Harvested in Tidung Island Docking AreaUus explained today's harvest resulted 269 kilograms of vegetable and fruit. The harvested vegetables are pakcoy, spinach, kale, chili, shallots, and mustard greens. While for fruits, there are tomatoes, eggplant, and honey pumpkin.
"Harvest result reached 15 kilograms; 1.5 kilograms of red onions. There were also 31 kilograms of honey pumpkins. Then, we also managed to harvest 155 kilograms of tilapia, and 115 kilograms of catfish," he explained.
He added that the harvest will be distributed by TP PKK team to local residents, especially for handling stunting.
"Hopefully this result will boost West Jakarta residents in running urban farming for maintaining food security and reduce inflation," he added.
Meanwhile, West Jakarta TP PKK Chairwoman, Lisniawati Uus stated the cadres have been trained to give coaching related to urban farming to residents.
"It is hoped the harvest can be distributed to fulfil resident's nutrition. So that stunting can also be handled well," she hoped.