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Sampaj Monas
Setelah sukses menggandeng perusahaan asal Jerman Kaercher untuk membersihkan Tugu Monumen Nasional (Monas), kali ini Pemprov DKI Jakarta juga mengajak pengunjung untuk ikut membersihkan area ikon ibu kota ini. Semua pengunjung yang datang ke Monas .
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Visitors Invited to Clean Up Trashes in Monas, Prizes Prepared

The National Monument (Monas) management today, Thursday (5/15), invites Monas visitors to clean up Monas area.

Monas is our pride. I hope the people are committed to maintain Monas’ environment

“We deliberately invite visitors to clean up Monas area. To make it interesting, we hold ‘Fun Cleaning Day’. Cooperating with Karcher, we hold various competitions with attractive prizes. The visitors look enthusiastic in cleaning up Monas area,” uttered Head of Monas Management Unit (UP), Rini Haryani, in Monas, Central Jakarta, Thursday (5/15).

As many as 500 visitors are predicted would participate in this activity. Not only urging the visitors not to litter, Monas UP is also inviting them to collect the trashes inside Monas area.

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Besides Monas UP, Head of Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department, Arie Budhiman, also invites the visitors to maintain cleanliness inside Monas area. He hopes this activity to be held continuously.

“Monas is our pride. I hope the people are committed to maintain Monas’ environment,” he expressed.

This Fun Cleaning Day activity will be held all day until Monas is closed at 5 PM. In this occasion, the winners of competition held by Karcher through social media have been chosen to join Karcher technicians cleaning up the top of Monas using a safety rope.

As known, since two weeks ago, the top of Monas is being cleaned using a special technology by Karcher, a Germany company. Based on observations, some angles of Monas already look cleaner than other parts that are still dirty because of the dusts and air pollution.

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