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 Plt Gubernur: Pengamanan Pilkada Serentak Sangat Siap
photo Reza Hapiz -

Security Ceremony for Pilkada Is Deemed Very Ready

Jakarta Acting Governor, Sumarsono attended in a readiness ceremony for 2017 Pilkada at Monas, West Jakarta. He believes, security level is already very well prepared.

Not only ready, but very ready

"Not only ready, but very ready," he stated, at City Hall, Wednesday (11/2).

Sumarsono disclosed the officer who attends the ceremony is only a few. Nevertheless, all are seen very ready for Pilkada, either army or police.

4,000 Joint Personnel Held Security Ceremony for Pilkada

"There are only a few. Actually many wanted to participate in the ceremony, but we limit it. This is the part of routines as SOP ahead of Pilkada," he told.

He went on the say that the ceremony was also held throughout Indonesia with 101 regions.

It was participated by 4,000 personnel. They are joint personnel of army/police and Satpol PP.

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