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City will Avoid Political Contents in Jakarta’s 487th Anniversary

The 487th Jakarta’s anniversary this year is coincidentally with political year for presidential election which will be held on upcoming July 9. To keep the anniversary’s series of events free of political contents, the committee anticipate it by not presenting large amount of mass.

We have different color this year since we’re in political atmosphere. We understand this situation. Thus, we look for (events) that not gather mass too much

“We have different color this year since we’re in political atmosphere. We understand this situation. Thus, we look for (events) that not gather mass too much,” stated Daily Head Committee of Jakarta’s 487th Anniversary, Bambang Soegiono, Saturday (5/24).

Nevertheless, Soegiono continued, it does not mean that this year’s city anniversary will not be festive. From series of events, Jakarta Night Festival (JNF) will still be the peak that will be held on upcoming June 21 along Hotel Indonesia (HI) Roundabout until Silang Monas. However, Ariah musical drama will not be performed this year because it gathers a lot of mass.

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“Even though the events are limited, it does not mean it would not going festive. However, for things that would rise up something below, that is the one we’re avoiding,” he said.

According to Soegiono, his party will also coordinating with the City Police for security. To prevent the events from being compromised with political contents, the security must be tightened than previous years.

“Extra security is needed. We don’t want that this festive got poisoned or blocked by those who have (bad) means to Jakarta,” he asserted.

For information, JNF will only be enlivened with seven stages built along HI Roundabout to Monas. As for this year Jakarta’s anniversary corporate social responsibility (CSR), it is presented by Philips. Later, the company will install lamps for free for three months in several locations, namely in front of City Hall, on Jalan Thamrin, Pluit Reservoir, Ayodya Park, and East Flood Canal (KBT).

There are 52 events to enliven the 487th Jakarta’s anniversary. Various routine activities, such as Jakarta International 10K, Jakarta Great Sale Festival (FJGS), Jakarta Fair (PRJ), and other events will be held in every municipality. There is no special budget, because the budget for each event is allocated by regional working unit (SKPD) that holds the event.

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