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KPU Kepulauan Seribu Tetapkan DPT Sebanyak 17.415
photo Suparni -

Number of DPT in Seribu Islands Set By 17,415 People

The Seribu Islands General Election Commission (KPU) has set the number of voter lists (DPT) for the upcoming 2017 Pilkada which reached 17,415 people in Seribu Islands.

By so, there is no additional data until voting on February 2017

"By so, there is no additional data until voting on February 2017," said Sumarno, Chairman of Seribu Islands KPU, after plenary meeting about determination of DPT, Tuesday (12/6).

E-ID Card Simplifies DPT Recording

Sumarno explains the voter that is not listed in DPT can still be able to conduct voting by showing e-ID Card and statement letter from Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Dept.

"Dated on December 9, the data could already be taped in each region in accordance with the polling station (TPS)," he expressed.

Based on the data, as many as 17,415 DPTs in Seribu Islands consist of 7,802 voters of South Seribu Islands Sub-district and 10,333 voters from North Seribu Islands Sub-district.

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