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tes kesehatan hewan kurban
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Examination on Qurban Animals Tightened

Upcoming Eid ul Adha 1435 Hijri, East Jakarta Poultry and Fishery Sub-Department is going to tighten examination on qurban (sacrificed) animals. The examination is conducted to prevent the people who will consume the qurban meat from getting infected by the disease coming from the animals.

We will examine qurban animals intensively, especially a week prior to Eid ul Adha

“We will examine qurban animals intensively, especially a week prior to Eid ul Adha,” stated Head of East Jakarta Poultry and Fishery Sub-Department, Wachyuni, Thursday (9/11).

Besides examining qurban animals’ health, Wachyuni told that her party will also check on their physical conditions. Qurban animals must be in perfect shape, not limp, not blind, not skinny, not having damage earlobe, male, and mature enough.

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According to her, technically qurban animals like goat and sheep must be more than one year old, which marked with the growth of a pair of permanent teeth. As for qurban animals like cow and buffalo, their age must be above two years old, which also marked with the growth of a pair of permanent teeth.

Meanwhile, Suprapto, a qurban animal seller on Jalan Dr Sumarno, Cakung, East Jakarta, admitted that the animals he sold have not gone through health examination yet because they just shipped from Boyolali, Central Java.

“Probably, in terms of price, it is not too far different. On the other side, many people choose cow more than goat. Even so, it’s all up to them,” he expressed.

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