Health Workers Instructed to Be Alert and Quick to Serve Patients with Specific Indications
Reported by Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
The Jakarta Health Agency always provides the best service for the community, especially in the context of COVID-19 vigilance efforts. Before patients with COVID-19 is detected, the Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Circular Letter number 18/SE/2020 on the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19 for leaders of Health Agency and Sub-agency, hospital and Sub-district Puskesmas that was issued on January 22.
We instruct all health workers who in practice often have direct contact with many patients to pay more attention to the following technical matters
"We instruct all health workers who in practice often have direct contact with many patients to pay more attention to the following technical matters. There are also steps that need to be taken in an effort to treat patients if known to refer to the symptoms of COVID-19," expressed Jakarta Health Agency Vice Head, Khaifah Any, Thursday (3/5), as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release.
1. Health Agency leaders must do;
Here is PT JIEP's Anticipation of COVID-19a. Ensure all health offices have a hospital surveillance team (to anticipate Extraordinary Occurrence/KLB) and report to the Health Agency
b. Provide communicate risk and education to the whole community through cooperation across related sectors.
c. Report to Health Agency via phone, Whatsapp or email when finding potential of coronavirus
d. Conduct investigations and countermeasures with Puskesmas to prevent further infection and dissemination
e. Ensure the officers competency using Personal Protective Device (APD) according to airborne disease prevention standards
f. Facilitate case referral to the Referral Hospital.
g. Monitor the development of severe pneumonia cases via electronic media and releases from trusted sources
2. Hospital leaders must do;
a. Conduct awareness raising on internal awareness of Novel Coronavirus in related units
b. Ask about the history of travel from infected countries for the past 14 days in suspected patients
c. Report severe pneumonia case with a history of travel from infected countries to the Health Agency and Sub-agency
d. Coordinate patient referral to the Referral Hospital through the Health Agency and Sub-agency
e. Hospitals for Emerging Infection Disease cases according to the Health Minister's Decree number 414/Menkes/SK/IV/2007 on Designation of the Referral Hospital for Flu Bird Control:
i. Sulianti Saroso Hospital
ii. Gatot Subroto RSPAD
iii. Persahabatan RSUP
f. Conduct temporary isolation/separation of patients while waiting for the referral process
g. Provide and ensure the officer competency using APD
h. Facilitate the case investigation process by the Health Agency KLB anticipation team
i. Especially for ILI/SARI sentinel hospitals, they will continue to conduct laboratory-based surveillance in accordance with applicable guidelines
j. Increase the speed and accuracy of reporting potential outbreak cases within 1x24 hours to the website:
k. Monitor the development of severe pneumonia cases via electronic media and trusted sources
3. Sub-district Puskesmas leaders must do:
a. Conduct awareness raising on internal awareness of Novel Coronavirus in related units.
b. Conduct education/counseling to the community or use social media to increase community awareness
c. Ask about the history of travel from infected countries for the past 14 days in suspected patients
d. Report severe pneumonia case with a history of travel from infected countries to the Health Agency and Sub-agency
e. Coordinate patient referral to the Referral Hospital through the Health Agency and Sub-agency
f. Hospitals for Emerging Infection Disease cases according to the Health Minister's Decree number 414/Menkes/SK/IV/2007 on Designation of the Referral Hospital for Flu Bird Control:
i. Sulianti Saroso Hospital
ii. Gatot Subroto RSPAD
iii. Persahabatan RSUP
g. Conduct temporary isolation/separation of patients while waiting for the referral process
h. Provide and ensure the officer competency using APD
i. Provide and ensure the officer competency using APD
j. Especially for ILI/SARI sentinel hospitals, they will continue to conduct laboratory-based surveillance in accordance with applicable guidelines
k. Increase the speed and accuracy of reporting potential outbreak cases within 1x24 hours to the website: and Early Precautions and Response Systems (
l. Monitor the development of severe pneumonia cases via electronic media and trusted sources