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DKI Belum Miliki Pos Pemeriksaan Hewan Kurban
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656 Examiners Deployed to Check Qurban Animals' Health

Approaching Eid ul Adha 1435 Hijri, Jakarta Maritime and Agriculture Department deploys 656 qurban (sacrificed) animal examiners to ensure the quality of qurban meat that will be consumed by the citizens. These examiners include students from Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) as well as doctors from the Indonesian Veterinarians Association (PDHI). They have started examining qurban animals since Monday (9/22).

Before the qurban animals slaughtered, the examiners are roaming around to check the health of qurban animals in animal shelters spread in five municipalities

“Before the qurban animals slaughtered, the examiners are roaming around to check the health of qurban animals in animal shelters spread in five municipalities. In doing it, we got help from 300 IPB students and PDHI doctors,” stated Head of Jakarta Maritime and Agriculture Department, Darjamuni, Friday (9/26).

According to Darjamuni, the examination includes checking of administration papers like animal’s health document (SKKH) from origin area as well as checking of animal’s health from its temperature, eyes, nose, teeth, and blood samples. Until now, 150 animal shelters have been checked.

Examination on Qurban Animals Tightened

“It is important to be done to ensure that qurban meat is fit for consumption. If there were qurban animals found suffering anthrax, nail, or mouth diseases, they will be directly separated and annihilated. But thus far, there is none. There is only one cow got fatigue, so it was slaughtered before dead,” he uttered.

In the slaughtering day, Darjamuni continued, the examiners will also roaming around to check the condition of qurban animals after being slaughtered. It is conducted because often times there were cases of animals suffered heartworms disease which cannot be detected if the animals still alive.

“So, the animals must also be examined during the slaughtering day. If heartworms disease was found, its liver will be annihilated, but the meat can still be consumed,” he told.

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