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450 Polisi Jaga Demo FPI dan FUI Di DPRD DKI
Ratusan aparat Kepolisian akan kembali diturunkan untuk menjaga Gedung DPRD DKI dan Balai Kota, Jakarta Pusat. Ini dikarenakan, pada Jumat (10/10) siang nanti akan ada aksi unjuk rasa dari Ormas Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dan Forum Umat Islam (FUI)..
photo Muhammad Zakaria Arrasyid -

450 Police Guard City Council

Metro Jaya police deployed 450 personnel to guard the rally held by Islam Defender Front (FPI) and Islamic Society Forum (FUI) at city Council Building on Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Friday (10/10).

They will come at around 2 PM, FPI and FUI

"They will come at around 2 PM, FPI and FUI," said Rikwanto, Metro Jaya Police's Public Relation.

According to him, based on the permit submitted to his office, the rally will be led by Ustad Subhan. The agenda is still the same, refusing Basuki T. Purnama to become Jakarta governor.

Ahok Instructs Police to Find Out the Funder of FPI's Rally

"Our personnel is 450, while the demonstrator is about 200 people," he added.

He hoped the activity will run smoothly. However, his personnel will act strictly if the activity is ended chaotic.

"We're not hesitate to do so," he uttered.

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