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Sudin Sosial Jaktim Disitribusikan Makanan Siap Saji Untuk Korban Banjir
photo Nurito -

Food Assistance Distributed for Flood Victims in East Jakarta

East Jakarta Social Sub-agency distributed 700 packages of food to flood victims who live along the Ciliwung River Bank, including Balekambang, Cililitan, Bidara Cina, and Cawang Urban Villages.

In total, we have distributed 700 portions for the flood victims

East Jakarta Social Sub-agency's Social Protection and Prevention for the Poor Section Head, Abdul Salam conveyed, some food packages have been delivered by his personnel, while the others were taken directly by urban village side.

"In total, we have distributed 700 portions for the flood victims," he conveyed, Tuesday (9/22).

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According to him, those foods were prepared by Tagana personnel with assistance from Socal Agency volunteers since last night.

He mentioned that number of food assistance that will be delivered to the flood victims is likely to increase.

"Hopefully, this food can help the need of flood victims," he asserted.

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