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127 Proyek Jalan di Jakbar Terkendala
Warga yang tersebar di 8 kecamatan di Jakarta Barat sepertinya harus bersabar untuk segera menikmati jalan mulus tanpa lubang. Pasalnya, hingga menjel.
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127 Roads Project in West Jakarta Constrained

The citizen that spread on 8 Sub-Districts in West Jakarta should be patient in enjoy the new road without hole. Because, until the end of October, there is no single project run out of 127 projects.

All of them have not pass yet by BPKD. Because of that we can't run the project

Head of Road for West Jakarta Public Works Sub-Department, Sukowibowo said, 127 budget lines from Amandment City Budget (APBD). Now, all the budget lines still studied by Jakarta Financial Management Body (BPKD).

"All of them have not pass yet by BPKD. Because of that we can't run the project," said Sukowibowo, Friday (10/24).

50 Stalls on Jalan Stasiun Angke Demolished

Sukowibowo detailed, the 127 budget lines are, 79 road improvement by concrete construction, 28 road reparation by heavy maintenance (hotmix layer), and 20 pedestrian reparation.

Sukowibowo added, for the 79 activity of concrete construction, 49 activity with Rp 115 billion in budget have finished auction in ULP Jakarta Provincial Goods and Service. But can not be run because the the budget is being processed.

Then the other 30 activity with Rp 84 billion are still in the auction process. Also with the the hotmix layer road reparation that reach 28 activity, as much as 9 activity with Rp 12 billion in budget have finished the auction process, but still wait the BPKD ratification.

"The rest of 19 activity with Rp 24 billion still in process because the budget amendment," stated Sukowibowo.

Sukowibowo continued, especially for 20 activity of pedestrian reparation with Rp 8 billion in budget have finished the auction process, just wait the BPKD ratification.

"So the problem are because the budget amendment and BPKD ratification even it have finished in auction, so we can't do the activity," he uttered.

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