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Sudin SDA Jakpus Selesaikan Pembangunan 302 Sumur Resapan
photo Folmer -

Central Jakarta Has Completed 302 Infiltration Wells

This year our target is actually about 400 wells and predicted to be complete by the end of this year

The Central Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency has completed 302 infiltration wells along January until November 19.

Central Jakarta SDA Sub-agency Head Saeful said it was realized in eight sub-districts.

SDA Agency Plans to Build More Infiltration Wells with Modular Tank

"This year our target is actually about 400 wells and predicted to be complete by the end of this year," he expressed, Friday (11/20).

He explained each well had 1 meter diameter with 2.5-4 meters depth.

"By so it is expected to minimize puddles and floods when it rain. Aside that sustainability or availability of ground water in Central Jakarta will be getting better," he stated.

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