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Petugas Rampungkan Pembuatan 30 Sumur Resapan di Pulau Untung Jawa
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30 Infiltration Wells Built in Untung Jawa Island

Thousand Islands Water Resources (SDA) has completed 30 infiltration wells in Untung Jawa Island Urban Village, South Thousand Islands.

Construction was carried out by 10 Untung Jawa Island Urban Village SDA Unit personnel since early October

Thousand Islands SDA Sub-agency Head, Abdul Rouf conveyed, his side built infiltration wells with size 80x100 centimeters and depth 1.5 meters.

"Construction was carried out by 10 Untung Jawa Island Urban Village SDA Unit personnel since early October," he mentioned, Monday (11/23).

Central Jakarta Has Completed 302 Infiltration Wells

Infiltration wells construction in this urban village has exceeded this year's target of 20 infiltration wells.

"By building more infiltration wells, we hope it can prevent inundation and flooding, as well as optimizing groundwater reserve in Untung Jawa Island Urban Village," he said.

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