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DTKJ Berharap Formula E Tingkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Akan Pentingnya Program Jakarta Langit Biru
photo Yudha Peta Ogara -

DTKJ Hopes Formula E to Raise Public Awareness for Jakarta Blue Sky Program

The Jakarta City Transportation Council (DTKJ) says the 9th Formula E race series in Ancol, North Jakarta on Saturday (4/6) is very strategic for Jakarta, especially to campaign for the Jakarta Blue Sky program. People are expected to be aware of increasing air pollution due to motor vehicle exhaust emissions.

For us, Formula E in Ancol is not just a racing event. More than that, this is a campaign for the electrification of Jakarta's transportation

"For us, Formula E in Ancol is not just a racing event. More than that, this is a campaign for the electrification of Jakarta's transportation. As we know, motor vehicle exhaust emissions have a major contribution to air pollution in Jakarta," said DTKJ Chairperson Haris Muhammadun in a written statement on Friday (6/3).

Seeing the current state of air pollution, he hoped that transportation electrification efforts in Jakarta could be intensified. He said that some time ago the Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had signed cooperation with various parties to accelerate the electrification of buses at PT. Transjakarta.

DTKJ Expects Transjakarta - BNEF Cooperation to Accelerate Jakarta Blue Sky Program

"Moreover, DTKJ urges the Jakarta Government to pioneer the replacement of official cars within Jakarta Government from conventional to electric vehicles," he asserted.

In addition, DTKJ also encouraged the government to make regulations that can provide incentives for electric vehicle users and improve infrastructure that supports transportation electrification, such as increasing charging stations in Jakarta.

"If it can be realized, more people will be interested in switching to electric vehicles. Especially with the realization of the Government's programs, such as ERP (electronic road pricing) and improving the quality of public transportation services towards the modal share that reaches the target of 60 percent by 2030," he explained.

He assessed that if electric vehicles and public transportation in Jakarta became the backbone of urban movement, the Jakarta Blue Sky program and traffic jam-free would be achieved.

"Hopefully, the event can be a trigger for transportation electrification in Jakarta," he stated.

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