Launching Jakwas, Governor Wants to Accelerate Completion of Follow-Up to BPK Examination Results
Reported by Wuri Setyaningsih | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
This is about macro management
Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan attended the monitoring meeting for the follow-up of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Investigation Report (LHP) and also launched a follow-up monitoring system on the Jakwas app (Jakarta Pengawasan) in the Pattern Room, Jakarta City Hall, on Tuesday (6/28).
It was aimed at accelerating the completion of the follow-up to the results of the BPK examination to reach 95%. While the launch of the follow-up monitoring information system was carried out to realize the opinion of WTP (Unqualified) as a culture in the Jakarta administration.
BPK: Jakarta Must Innovate to Improve the Quality of Regional Financial ManagementIn his speech, the Governor also immediately instructed his staff to allocate resources, both Human Resources (HR) and time to focus on the follow-up to the LHP-BPK.
This is about macro management and how much resources are allocated for this, it's all about willpower. Hence, immediately allocate sufficient resources, both people and time, then dedicate a special meeting, do a kick-off, formulate a time frame, and execute it well," he expressed while giving his directions, quoted from Jakarta PPID's press release.He was grateful, as his staff was creative individuals, highly committed to achieving targets down to the lower ranks.
"I'm grateful to meet many hard-working individuals who are committed to executing according to plan. From that, there is also good leadership and continues to descend to the ranks below them," he added.
With the Jakwas app, it was expected to help individuals under the administration to quickly and precisely complete all LHP-BPK, as well as could be further developed in the future. So, it would benefit across generations.
"I instruct all regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to make optimal use of this system for the completion of a more effective and efficient follow-up to BPK's recommendations." he asserted.
"InsyaAllah, this is made to provide benefits across generations, thus following our tagline that WTP is a Jakarta Culture, it will continue to be maintained," he added.
Previously, the administration had designed a follow-up information system for the LHK that can be accessed through the Jakwas app, where there are two subsystems within Jakwas namely SIMANTAB to monitor follow-up to BPK recommendations and SIMANTUL to monitor to monitor the follow-up to the recommendations of the Government Internal Auditors. (APIP).
By so, the OPD could find out recommendations and the status of the follow-up completion in real-time, so it is hoped that the target of 95 percent of completion of the follow-up to the results of the BPK examination is achieved.