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Wali Kota Jaktim Imbau Lurah/Camat Edukasi Warga Soal Gagal Ginjal
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Regional Heads must Be Active in Educating Residents about Kidney Failure

East Jakarta Mayor, Muhammad Anwar instructed all urban village and sub-district heads together with health center officers in his region to actively educate residents about Atypical Progressive Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).

There are three types of chemicals that are suspected to trigger kidney failure, they need to be socialized to residents

"Hope the sub-district and urban village heads cooperate with health centers to disseminate information to their residents thus they do not buy drugs carelessly if their children are sick," he expressed, Friday (10/21).

According to him, residents need to know about three types of chemicals that the Health Ministry suspects are triggering kidney failure, namely ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DEG), and ethylene glycol butyl ether (EGBE).

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"There are three types of chemicals that are suspected to trigger kidney failure, they need to be socialized to residents," he expressed.

East Jakarta Health Sub-agency Head, Nikensari Koesrindartia added at this time his party was still waiting for a statement from BPOM and the Health Ministry about any drugs that contained hazardous chemicals.

Aside that, she had also urged health workers at all health facilities to temporarily not prescribe liquid drugs to the public.

"As an alternative, you can use other dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, suppositories (anal), or others," she closed.

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