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PAM Jaya Kirim Bantuan ke Ciganjur
photo Yudha Peta Ogara -

PAM Jaya Sends Aid to Cianjur

The aid given is mainly stapled foods and sanitation packages to the needs of toddlers

Aid from the government continues to pour into Cianjur Regency in West Java, this time the Perumda PAM Jaya also acted quickly to help earthquake survivors in Cianjur.

The ceremonial release of aid was led directly by Perumda PAM Jaya President Director, Arif Nasrudin at PAM Jaya Office, Jalan Penjernihan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Thursday (11/24).

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According to Nasrudin, the aid itself is a form of social care from Perumda PAM Jaya to fellow earthquake survivors in Cianjur with a total amount of up to Rp 100 million.

"The aid given is mainly stapled foods and sanitation packages to the needs of toddlers. We bought them from Perumda Pasar Jaya as a form of our synergy with other BUMDs," he expressed.

It was expected to be able to lighten earthquake survivors' burden to meet their daily needs amidst all the limitations.

"I express my condolences for the death of hundreds of our brothers and sisters in Cianjur during the earthquake on November 21. May the families left behind and the earthquake survivors be given fortitude and patience. We are from Jakarta and Perumda PAM Jaya is with them," he stressed.

He added that the aid distributed today was the first stage of assistance. Perumda PAM Jaya would also initiate collective assistance from other BUMDs.

"Considering I also serve as Chair of the BUMD Academy as a gathering place for BUMD directors. Insya Allah (God Willing), we'll send more soon," he stated.

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