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Penataan Integratif Atasi Dampak Rob di Koja akan Direalisasi 2023
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

RT 09 Koja will Be Revitalized This year

We have asked for the CAP program and the plan is to realize it this year

The Koja Urban Village, North Jakarta is about to revitalize the RT 12/RW 09 area integratively shortly. This revitalization is one of the tidal flood-handling efforts at that location.

Koja Urban Village Head, Frimelda Novarita said that the revitalization is conducted because the location of RW 09 is geographically lower than the Sunter River water level. So, it is often inundated when the sea level is high and the Sunter River water overflows.

Shuttle Bus Provided During Revitalization at Kampung Melayu Bus Stop

"Previously, five RWs were prone to tidal floods and inundation when it rained. But now parts of them have been fixed and our focus now is RW 09," she expressed, Friday (1/7).

According to her, the RW 09 area that was the worst affected by the tidal floods was in RT 11 and 12. The sea level rise was allegedly causing the flow of the Sunter River to stop. As a result, the flow of the residents' settlement channels was blocked and water from the Sunter River overflowed into the residents' settlements, which were located in the basin.

Besides sending PPSU to clean up channels, her party had coordinated with the Bina Marga Sub-agency for road elevation.

"The solution must be an integrative revitalization involving the Public Housing and Settlement Area Agency (PRKP). We have asked for the CAP program and the plan is to realize it this year," she stated.

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