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Pj Gub Tinjau Taman Kel. Kembangan Selatan
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Visit Park in Kembangan Selatan, Heru will Revitalize Various Points to Become Superior Area

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono, inspected the park in Kembangan Selatan Urban Village, Kembangan Sub-district, West Jakarta,  Thursday (1/19).

Now to be transformed into a superior area that is neatly arranged and beautiful

The hope is that there will be more and more points or areas that can be neatly arranged, both as parks and prime areas in Jakarta.

In his inspection, he was accompanied by Jakarta Culture Division Deputy Assistant, Muhammad Mawardi; West Jakarta Mayor, Yani Wahyu Purwoko; Kembangan Sub-district Head, Joko Suparno; and Kembangan Selatan Urban Village Head, RM Pradana Putra.

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According to him, the park is the result of a superior area revitalization carried out by the West Jakarta administration. Initially, it was an area that was not well organized and then was transformed into a superior area in the form of a park, which is a place for resident interaction and green open spaces.

"So, this is an example. Because, in every sub-district, I asked for a location that was initially poorly maintained, dark, now to be transformed into a superior area that is neatly arranged and beautiful," he expressee, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release.

He went on to say that each urban village in the six areas of Jakarta has one location point that is made a priority area in the form of a park as a result of revitalization. Thus, there are 267 superior areas in the form of parks resulting from revitalization in Jakarta.

"So, I leave it to the urban village. It's up to the Urban Village Head where the area is, which is easy. Just like in Duren Sawit. There are also Pondok Kopi intersections. So, if there is one point per sub-district, then Jakarta has 267 points of superior areas. It means there are 267 location points that were previously poorly maintained, now they are good and neatly arranged," he explained.

He added the park construction as a result of regional planning was carried out in collaboration between the urban village officials and regional working units (UKPD) in their respective regions.

"We work in an easy way. Everything is community service, collaborating with UKPD. For instance, the Parks Sub-agency contributed tree seeds and grass, the Maritime, Fishery, and Food Security Sub-agency (KPKP) contributed fish and productive trees, and Bina Marga Sub-agency contributed asphalt," he added.

West Jakarta Mayor, Yani Wahyu Purwoko uttered that the park in Kembangan Selatan is one of the existing regional revitalization in his area. The revitalization of areas that are not well maintained to become superior areas is carried out according to the Acting Governor's direction.

"It is done according to the Governor's direction. Thus, points in areas that are less tidy and less organized can be neatly arranged like parks in Kembangan Selatan," he explained.

He explained the park area was initially unorganized and poorly maintained. However, thanks to the inter-UKPD collaboration in the West Jakarta area, it was possible to build a park as a result of regional revitalization as one of the leading areas in West Jakarta.

"Thanks to Parks Sub-agency, Bina Marga Sub-agency, Water Resources Sub-agency, and KPKP Sub-agency. Thank God, it's like this. This park will be a pilot in West Jakarta, especially in each sub-district. Imagine if this work is done in three months, we will have another work in three months. Thus, unordered places will be arranged neatly," he explained.

During inspection, the Acting Governor together with West Jakarta Mayor, Yani Wahyu Purwoko also participated in planting tabebuya trees.

Previously, the Acting Governor went around to see the atmosphere and facilities in the park. He then made a visit to the Kembangan Selatan Urban Village office, which is in front of the park. He chatted with ASN whose job is to provide public services to residents.

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