250,224 Residents of Central Jakarta Targeted to Switch to Digital ID Cards
Reported by Wuri Setyaningsih | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Central Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Sub-agency (Dukcapil) targets 250,224 residents in its area to switch to digital ID card this year.
As of March 7, 2023, it was recorded that 12,678 residents had been served digital ID cards
Central Jakarta Dukcapil Sub-agency Acting Head, Syamsul Bahri said the target of achieving digital ID cards for residents would be carried out through services transition of population administration held in urban villages and sub-districts.
"As of March 7, 2023, it was recorded that 12,678 residents had been served digital ID cards," he stated, Thursday (3/9).
2,974 Students in South Jakarta Have Recorded E-KTPHe explained the transition from physical form to digital was made to make it easier for residents to use ID card only via an application on a cell phone.
This service will be conducted in stages. For residents who want to make changes, they can go directly to the Dukcapil service office in the sub-district by bringing a physical ID card.
"Our officers will help with the process of transferring ID card digitally with the Digital Resident Identity (IKD) application," he explained.
He hoped that the use of the IKD application could make it easier for residents to do their activities, as they no longer need to carry a physical ID card.
"This application is to make it easier for residents to store their KTP digitally. Thus, when needed, they can directly open it on their cell phones," he stated.