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Libur Idul Adha, 2023, Taman Margasatwa Ragunan
photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

Idul Adha Holidays, 24,662 Visitors Flock to Ragunan Zoo

The holiday season for Idul Adha 1444 Hijri is widely used by residents for recreation to tourist attractions in Jakarta.

There will be a spike in visitors until Sunday

At Ragunan Zoo (TMR), Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, the number of residents who visited until noon is recorded at 24,662 people.

TMR Public Relations Head, Wahyudi Bambang said TMR remains operational from 10 AM to 4 PM during holidays. But, on this day, his party opened the entrance earlier at 9 AM.

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"This aims to avoid the buildup of visitors and vehicles at the entrance," he expressed, Thursday (6/29).

From 24,662 visitors, 811 bought tickets online and 23,851 people bought tickets offline. They were recorded as coming using 24 bicycles, 2,758 motorbikes, 1,722 cars, and 13 buses.

"There will be a spike in visitors until Sunday. This is because school holidays and joint holidays are still ongoing," he stated.

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