Legislative: We Should Issue Bylaw for 2015 City Budget
Reported by Folmer | Translated by Arief Rahman
To facilitate the legislature in supervising all activities in 2015 City Budget, Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja 'Ahok' Purnama, will provide e-budgeting system password to City Legislative Head, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi.
We are optimistic to issue bylaw because Jakarta must have it
"I would also give password to the Legislative Head. So he could see the activities, and if the activity is not in accordance with the City Budget, he can lock it," Basuki explained.
Moreover, Basuki continued, the citizens also could assess the budget that is inappropriate and should not be in the budget. As example, the Rp 5 billion budget for teacher training abroad which led the pros and cons or the building repairs project for Jakarta Smart City of Rp 11 billion which is considered unreasonable.
Ahok Gave E-Budgeting Password to Legislative Head"We wait until everyone knows why the budget should like this. All SKPDs (p
rovincial working units) are no longer able to play because we start the new era in Indonesia through this system," he said.Therefore, Basuki hoped the discussion of Home Affairs Ministry evaluation can be completed on Friday (3/20). So, the agreement could be achieved immediately.
"We also had cut off many budget based on the Ministry evaluation because there are many wasteful budget, for example, we prefer to use typewriter machine than printer to print out receipts so we can save more money. However, all of these processes are lead to Bylaw issuance," he explained.
While the Legislative Head, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi confirmed, his side will issue Bylaw for 2015 City Budget. "We are optimistic to issue Bylaw, because Jakarta should have it," he said.
He added, the board will monitor the use of city budget by executive so the development can be perceived by the citizens. "The function of the Legislative is to monitor the development to be felt by the citizens," he explained.