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Junaedi Buka Festival Musik Band Kepulauan Seribu
photo Anita Karyati -

Junaedi Opens Seribu Islands Band Music Festival

Seribu Islands Regent, Junaedi officially opened the Band Music Festival held at Pramuka Island Regency Plaza, North Seribu Islands.

This shows that the Seribu Islands are equivalent to the mainland

This festival is part of a series of commemorations of the Seribu Islands' 22nd Anniversary which falls on November 9, 2023.

He expressed his appreciation to the Seribu Islands Culture Sub-agency for holding this festival. Hopefully, it could become a creative space for young people to continuously express and create.

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"This shows that the Seribu Islands are equivalent to the mainland. I hope it can be a routine agenda every year," he expressed, Wednesday (11/8).

"Hopefully, this festival, which is attended by six sub-districts, can represent the Seribu Islands in band music competitions on the mainland. By so, art in this region would become increasingly famous and exist.

"Hopefully, the music band can entertain locals and tourists," he hoped.

Seribu Islanda Culture Sub-agency Head, Tony Bako added this festival had the theme of Heroes' Day. It was recorded that eight bands from six island residents were involved in this activity.

The eight bands consist of Audiopati from Tidung Island, Lucky Jav from Untung Jawa Island, Konstantinovel from Kelapa Island, Monster Bumi and Umbrella Band from Payung Island, Purbaya Band and Galuh Kutai from Pramuka Island and Bright Band from Panggang Island.

"They are required to perform two songs consisting of one mandatory national song and one chosen song," he explained.

Thus far, the Seribu slands have always invited bands from the mainland. Meanwhile, many of the young generation on the island were also interested in the art of music.

"We have prepared prizes for first place Rp 12.5 million, second place Rp 10 million and third place Rp 8.5 million," he stated.

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