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Pemkab Kepulauan Seribu Gelar FGD Food Security
photo Anita Karyati -

Seribu Islands is Optimistic about Maintaining Food Security

The Seribu Islands Regency administration, held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Realizing Food Security" in the Penyu Room, Mitra Praja Sunter Building, North Jakarta.

Creative and sustainable solutions are needed

Seribu Islands Regent, Junaedi said this activity is a concrete step and initiative of the government's commitment to ensure that all Seribu Islands residents have adequate and sustainable access to healthy, nutritious food.

"The agenda this time is aimed at discussing and improving food resilience and security in Seribu Islands. This is because the Seribu Islands have the potential to become an example of sustainability in food production and distribution," he expressed, Tuesday (28/5).

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He explained the Seribu Islands region was geographically vulnerable because it consisted of many small islands. Thus, logistics transportation is one of the main obstacles in food distribution.

"To overcome this problem, creative and sustainable solutions are needed, such as the use of efficient goods carriers and the development of local distribution networks," he explained.

According to him, the ecological resilience of the Seribu Islands, which has a unique and diverse natural environment, needed attention.

"We need to continuously promote sustainable agriculture and strengthen environmental conservation efforts to protect biodiversity and ensure long-term food availability," he added.

To maintain food security, the development of urban farming continues to be intensified in the community. Then, agricultural land on Tidung Kecil Island is used as a pilot and trial for planting breadfruit trees whose results could support food security.

Hopefully, all related parties could commit together and make food security a top priority in the development agenda with hard work, creativity, and strong cooperation.

"Thank you for the support of all parties who are committed to making the Seribu Islands a shining example in food security," he exclaimed.

Food Insecurity and Nutrition National Food Agency Head, Nyoto Suwignyo added food security has become an issue that is getting more and more attention.

"People in this world need guarantees of sufficient access to good quality, safe and nutritious food in a bid to maintain growth, live an active and healthy life," he uttered.

Seeing at the diversity of existing natural resources, the Seribu Islands region could become a field for food security for the Jakarta area.

However, maintaining food security requires synergy between government, society, the private sector and international institutions.

"We need to create sustainable and integrated solutions to improve the food security of the Seribu Islands itself," he stated.

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