712 Physical Aids Prepared for Disabled in North Jakarta
Reported by Anita Karyati | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
As many as 712 physical aids will soon be distributed to people with disabilities and the needy.
This is free of charge to support the needy in daily activities
North Jakarta Social Sub-agency Head, Rizqon Hermawan said that this year, the physical aids included 360 adult wheelchairs, 22 children's wheelchairs, 310 hearing aids, 10 prosthetic legs, seven walking sticks (walkers), and three three-legged canes.
"This year's procurement of physical aids is very adequate," he expressed, Thursday (1/16).
569 Physical Aids Distributed to Disabled People in South JakartaHe explained its procurement would be realized by next March. As for residents of North Jakarta, especially those who want to get them, they can submit a proposal or request through the Musrenbang and community aspirations during the recess for DPRD members.
"Or through individual proposals through Social Assistance Officer (Pendamsos) at each urban village office, Sub-district Social Executing Unit or North Jakarta Social Sub-agency through Social Security Protection and Social Rehabilitation Section," he explained.
The documents required were quite easy, only preparing a Relief Letter (SKTM) or PM1, photocopy of KTP or KIA (for children under 17), photocopy of Family Card (KK), and full body photo.
"This is free of charge to support the needy in daily activities," he asserted.
Even, his sub-agency had distributed 235 units of physical aid in the Budget 2025.
"The aid given is 200 adult wheelchairs, 10 children's wheelchairs, 15 hearing aids, four walking sticks, and six tripods," he closed.