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Monas Dibersihkan
Setelah 22 tahun tidak dibersihkan, salah satu simbol Jakarta yakni Monumen Nasional (Monas) kembali dimandikan. Bentuk Monas yang unik, membuat ada beberapa bagian yang sulit untuk dibersihkan, salah satunya bagian bawah cawan..
photo Muhammad Jamaluddin -

Monas will Be Cleaned Once in Every Decade

The National Monument (Monas) cleaning by Karcher, a German company, is planned to be conducted gradually once in every decade. Thus, the historical monument can stay clean and attract more local as well as international tourists.

To clean Monas needs special methods and conducted by professional. Approximately, it will be cleaned once in a decade

“To clean Monas needs special methods and conducted by professional. Approximately, it will be cleaned once in a decade,” said Head of Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department, Arie Budhiman, Thursday (5/15).

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According to Budhiman, this is the second time Karcher cleans Monas. But, all parties interested to help cleaning Monas through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program are welcomed, both Indonesian and foreign companies.

“We support anyone interested to help,” he stated.

However, before other parties take part, Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department will first review the company’s profile. Since Monas is a cultural heritage, its cleaning must be conducted very carefully and not make it spoil.

“We have to see what kind of method they use, is it correct or not, because we want a technology that doesn’t spoil. There are difficulties in cleaning which cannot be implemented by any people,” he uttered.

Thus far, Budhiman continued, no Indonesian company has yet proposed to Jakarta Provincial Government to clean Monas. Even though the City Budget (APBD) is high enough, Monas cleaning is not intentionally procured. Moreover, city government will not form an independent team to clean Monas.

“Not everything should be done alone, if it’s for more effective and efficient,” he stressed.

Besides Monas, other Jakarta’s icons can also be cleaned, such as Dirgantara Statue, Selamat Datang Statue, and Pemuda Statue.

“Hopefully the cleaning not only for Monas, but to be conducted in every corner of Jakarta,” he expressed.

Related to Monas cleaning by Karcher, it aims to introduce the city icon to the world. Moreover, Karcher has cleaned more than 80 monuments and historical buildings in many countries. Among those monuments are St. Peter Basilica in Italy (1998), Rushmore Mountain in United States (2005), and London Eye in United Kingdom (2013).

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