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Entering Restful Week, Basuki Regrets Campaign Props Still Rampant

This matter is complicated, considering there is no rule against campaign props installer. I want them fined, instead of bestowing this problem to us

The campaign of presidential election which has entered a restful week, is still tainted by campaign props in each corner of the capital city. Acting Jakarta Governor, Basuki 'Ahok' T Purnama regretted the presidential candidates' successful teams which have yet to remove their campaign props. Moreover, it is not accompanied with strict sanctions.

"This matter is complicated, considering there is no rule against campaign props installers. I want them fined, instead of bestowing this problem to us," lamented a man who popularly called as Ahok, at City Hall, Monday (7/7).

4,412 Campaign Props in Central Jakarta Lowered

Basuki suspected there are people who deliberately do not make the rules governing campaign props for personal interests. By so, it will lead to a gap of violation.

"This was intentionally made, and I see cheating here," he expressed.

Earlier, entering a restful period which began on Sunday (7/6) to Tuesday (7/8), Jakarta Satpol PP personnel immediately remove tens of thousands of campaign props spread in five municipalities. According to him, the props sterilization has not been finished until noon. This is because there are some billboards as high as 24 meters thus its process needs quite a long time. Nevertheless, his party targets all will be finished today. ‬To smoothen it, 1,500-2,000 personnel are deployed to the field.

"I don't know the amount is, but the small one can reach tens of thousands. While banners as high as 24 meters reach 80 and takes time to remove them. I hope it can be finished today or I will give warning," he asserted.

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