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92 Sumur Resapan Telah di Buat di Jakbar
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92 Infiltration Wells Built in West Jakarta

West Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency builds 92 infiltration wells in 8 sub-districts.

Those 92 infiltration wells are built to overcome inundation and flood in the region

West Jakarta SDA Sub-agency Head, Purwanti Suryandari informed, her side continued to accelerate 92 infiltration wells construction work thus it could finish as soon as possible.

"Those 92 infiltration wells are built to overcome inundation and flood in the region," she mentioned, Thursday (11/26).

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According to her, those infiltration wells were built in areas owned by local government, such as sub-district offices, urban village offices, mayor office, schools, and others.

"In one location, we can built 3-6 infiltration wells," he said.

Those infiltration wells, she continued, were built using concrete buis model where its walls were made of concrete with diameter of 120 centimeters and depth of 1.5-2 meters.

"In the future, we will add more infiltration wells with modular tank model," she closed.

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