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Dishub DKI Jakarta Pastikan Alokasi Anggaran Sesuai Kebutuhan Rangkaian Kegiatan Mudik Gratis
photo Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto -

Dishub: Budget Allocation Meets Needs of Free Mudik Series

Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) Head, Syafrin Liputo confirmed that the budget allocation is in accordance with the entire series of free mudik (exodus) program. Responding to accusations that the 2022 Mudik-Eid Transportation Ceremonial Activity spent Rp 3.27 billion just for ribbon cutting, he emphasized that the report was hoax.

There will be some series in its implementation

"There will be some series in its implementation. The ceremonial is only part of the whole series. It should be noted that the budgeting for the 2023 Free Mudik program is carried out by carrying out the Principle of Compliance which has also received approval from the DPRD," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release, Wednesday (3/29).

The Rp 3.27 billion budget is used for a series of free mudik, starting from the preparation and implementation of mudik services to receiving them back to Jakarta. In detail, the budget is allocated for socialization officers in five administrative regions, information officers, and registration officers at six mudik registration locations, carrying out activities (mudik flow, returning flow, arrival of buses, and returning trucks).

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In the implementation of the mudik flow, the budget is used for making web-based registration applications (free mudik), checking the health of drivers, accompanying officers on each bus to 19 cities/regencies, snacks for homecomers, accompanying officers on each truck to nine cities/regencies upon truck departure for motorcycles.

As for the returning flow, the budget is used to check up travelers' health, accompanying officers on each bus from 19 cities/regencies to Jakarta and accompanying officers for trucks from nine cities/regencies to Jakarta. Officers are also prepared to help transport motorcycles to trucks during mudik and returning flow.

This free mudik program will depart a total of 19,280 homecomers to 19 cities/regencies in 6 provinces. For mudik, 278 buses will be provided with a capacity of 11,120 passengers and 13 trucks which will transport 390 motorcycles. While for returning flow, 204 buses will be provided with a capacity of 8,160 passengers and 10 trucks which will transport 300 motorcycles. During the trip, participants will get free takjil, snacks, and drinks to break their fast.

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