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Wisatawan Ke Pulau Untung Jawa Meningkat
photo Anita Karyati -

Idul Fitri Holiday, 20,832 Tourists Visit Untung Jawa Island

As many as 20,832 tourists were recorded as visiting tourist destinations on Untung Jawa Island, South Seribu Islands, Seribu Islands on the last day of Idul Fitri holiday.

This year's Idul Fitri holiday is a moment for tourism to rise

Untung Jawa Island Urban Village Head, Supriyadi said tourists began to arrive from April 23 to May 1, 2023. Most arrived from the port of Tanjung Pasir, Tangerang.

"This year's Idul Fitri holiday is a moment for tourism to rise. Tens of thousands of people have been seen visiting Untung Jawa Island since last week," he said, Tuesday (5/2)

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His party also keeps urging residents, shop owners, tour operators, boat owners, and tourists to jointly maintain the cleanliness of the island, thus it remains clean and comfortable for all.

"We're very happy. Untung Jawa Island is back to being busy. Of course, it has a positive impact on all business actors here," he explained.

Untung Island Puja Berhias Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) Chairman, Rusli explained the surge in tourists occurred on Sunday (4/30) with a total of 4,040 people.

During the holidays, tourists visited Arsa Beach, Sakura Beach, Japanese Village, Bridal Bridge, and Mangrove Lagoon. Then there are those who enjoy the Water Sport Banana Boat, Donut Boat, Kayak or Water Bike, and snorkeling at Nemo Park.

"We and the joint officers continue to carry out patrols starting from the main pier, tourist attractions and beaches," he said.

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