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Libur Panjang, Kepulauan Seribu Dikunjungi Ribuan Wisatawan
photo Anita Karyati -

Long Holiday, 7,851 Tourists Swarm Seribu Islands

As many as 7,851 tourists flocked Seribu Islands, which is a favorite destination during the Pancasila long holiday.

They have been around Seribu Islands since yesterday until today

Seribu Islands Tourism and Creative Economy Sub-agency Head, Sonti Pangaribuan said the tourists came from piers in Jakarta and Tangerang, such as Marina Ancol Pier, Kaliadem Pier, Tanjung Pasir Pier, and Cituis Pier.

"They have been around Seribu Islands since yesterday until today," he expressed, Friday (6/2).

Idul Fitri Holiday, 20,832 Tourists Visit Untung Jawa Island

For these two days, 1,756 tourists came from Marina Ancol Pier, followed by 5,160 from Kaliadem Muara Angke Pier, 886 from Tanjung Pasir Pier, and 49 from Cituis Pier.

His party deployed joint officers to intensify strict supervision at the departure and arrival docks of tourists.

"Most visited various inhabited islands such as Untung Jawa Island, Pari Island, Pramuka Island, to Harapan Island," he uttered.

He predicted that the visit of these tourists was predicted to continue to grow considering there are still public holidays on weekends.

"The more tourists who come, the people's economy also increases," he stated.

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