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 42.878 Wisatawan Kunjungi Kawasan Monas
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42,878 Tourists Swarm Monas Area

The long Easter holiday and public leave are greatly used by some people to visit the Monas Monument area, Gambir Sub-district, Central Jakarta.

252 are foreign tourists

It is recorded that from Thursday (5/9) to Saturday (5/11), 42,878 people have visited the Monas Monument area.

Area Management Unit Head, Muhammad Isa Sanuri stated visitors who visited to the Monas area during the Easter holiday 2024 and on public leave this week were not only Indonesian tourists, but also foreign tourists with a total visitors touched 653.

Thousands of Tourists Flock to Monas Area

"During this weekend, we also opened the Monas Monument operations. So, visitors can climb to the top of the monument or enter the museum," he stated, Sunday (5/12).

He explained that during the long holiday, the Monas area continues to implement operational hours from 6 AM to 4 PM Meanwhile, Monas Monument operations start at 8 AM to 4 PM with the note that the counter is only open until 3 PM.

People who want to access the Monas Monument will be charged Rp 24,000 for adults, students Rp 13,000 and children Rp 6,000. Meanwhile, the museum entrance fee will be Rp 8,000 for adults, Rp 5,000 for students and Rp 3,000 for children's tickets.

"Of the total number of visitors 6,951 of them accessed the Monas Monument. Of that number, 252 are foreign tourists," he asserted.

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