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Disparekraf DKI Berpartisipasi Dalam Event BBTF 2022
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Disparekraf Participates in 2022 BBTF Event for Advancement of Jakarta Tourism Industry

To improve the tourism industry in Jakarta, the Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) participated in the 2022 Bali and Beyond Travel Fair (BBTF). The event has been held online and offline from June 13 to 17, 2022.

This is our first time participating in the BBTF event

"This is our first time participating in the BBTF event. We have hope for the recovery of the tourism sector in Jakarta after the Covid-19 pandemic," expressed Jakarta Disparekraf Head Andhika Permata, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release, Friday (6/17).

His agency presented a thematically decorated stand and facilitated delegates as sellers, namely from PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Jakarta Experience Board (JXB), and Inspiro Group (Promoter & MICE Co). Inspiro Group is a promoter company that initiated the implementation of the first Jakarta Marathon.

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The agency always strives for the tourism industry in Jakarta to rise from the pandemic and continue to grow. Hence, they prompted PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol to promote its business lines such as recreation, resorts, culinary, retail, and MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) to property.

"Besides promoting but also taking advantage of opportunities to expand networking, especially in selling tourism packages/products owned by Ancol. Being able to bring in more domestic and foreign tourists to visit Jakarta, especially to advance the tourism industry through business sessions and promotions," he explained.

Then also promoted JXB as the new identity of PT Jakarta Tourisindo, which is a Jakarta BUMD that has three main pillars, namely hospitality and tourism, creative economy, and city beautification. JXB currently manages seven hotel units, hosts various creative activities, and activates public spaces in Jakarta to create a tourism ecosystem in Jakarta.

"JXB in the event will be an opportunity to learn and observe the implementation of similar events. Surely, they also open a discussion room for buyers and potential collaborators regarding cooperation opportunities and tourism product development that suits their needs," he explained.

He added that Inspiro Group was present to promote the Jakarta Marathon event to potential buyers, both domestic and international. Hopefully, this business session could bring in more domestic and foreign tourists to visit Jakarta.

"This event also introduced the Digital Nomad Island program and its features for digital nomads to work on Bidadari Island, Seribu Islands. The program has several features including connectivity, various accommodations ranging from tents to cottages with unique exteriors, facilities such as restaurants, beach pools, meeting rooms, places of worship, water sports areas, and other tour packages," he concluded.

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