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Wujudkan Jakarta Lestari, Pemprov DKI Gencarkan Penataan Kota
photo Anita Karyati -

Government Intensifies City Planning for Sustainable Jakarta

The Jakarta Provincial Government is currently intensifying urban planning through greening, integrated transportation, and comfortable urban residential revitalization.

This revitalization can work if it is done in cooperation with various parties

Regional Cooperation Bureau Head, Marulina Dewi revealed greening is one of the Acting Governor's programs, which continues to be echoed to realize a Sustainable Jakarta City. The revitalization would be realized in five administrative cities and one district.

"This revitalization can work if it is done in cooperation with various parties, such as under Becakayu Toll Road where we are synergizing with the central government," she expressed, Tuesday (1/10).

Again, Thousands of Trees Planted Under Becakayu Toll Road

According to her, the revitalization under Becakayu Toll Road did not use the APBD, thus it was no deadline. Certainly, it can be completed as soon as possible considering the total to be revitalized along 16.9 kilometers.

"Hopefully, this program can make Jakarta tidier, more organized, and maintain its beauty and cooler. If there are lots of trees and urban farming, there is no longer an arid area," he hoped.

Besides the Becakayu Toll Road, Jakarta is also in the process of revitalizing the Kota Tua. This area is ensured to be a green area in support of the low-emission program.

"The Kota Tua revitalization is neat and good but it is still not green enough. Therefore, we are in communication with several parties to follow up on the revitalization of the area," he stated.

As for the information, to support city planning, the Jakarta Government previously received a visit from the management of the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) to discuss the design concept for a Sustainable Jakarta City.

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