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DKI Studi Banding ke Kosta Rika dan Panama
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City to Have Comparative Study in Costa Rica and Panama for Clean Water Management and Optimization of Kota Tua Tourist Area

To advance Jakarta, the Jakarta Provincial Government is about to conduct a comparative study in Costa Rica and Panama.

Earlier, we told you how the water management system in Costa Rica

The plan was disclosed by Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono during a meeting with the Indonesian Ambassador to Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua, Sukmo Harsono at City Hall, Friday (1/27).

This comparative study would be conducted to look at the water management system in Costa Rica and to optimize the management of the Kota Tua tourist area in Panama.

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"Earlier, we told you how the water management system in Costa Rica is already very good, and the management of the Kota Tua in Panama is able to attract tourists, thus many people visit it," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release.

Hence, he hoped that the comparative study would be beneficial for both Jakarta and the countries in Central America.

"I support working together to move cities forward. With a comparative study, hopefully, there will be an exchange of information that will bring benefits to each party. Whatever is good for the people of Jakarta, the Jakarta Government must continue to improve," he continued.

Indonesian Ambassador to Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua, Sukmo Harsono explained Costa Rica's superiority in terms of water management, such as water distribution that is evenly accepted by all people.

"Interestingly, permits to construct hotels and buildings won't be granted if an underground river is found. Because they are obliged to buy water from the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM). So it is no longer easy to take groundwater," he explained.

Moreover, he received information that the Jakarta Government would take over the service and management of clean water from two private operators who have been partners for quite some time. Therefore, there was a need for a comparative study to Costa Rica in a bid to improve the service and management of clean water after the end of the cooperation between PAM Jaya and Palyja, and Aetra.

Regarding Kota Tua tourist area in Panama, Panama with a population of around 5.5 million can bring in as many as 1.7 million tourists to visit the old city area per year.

"They're able to manage the Kota Tua tourist area to become an attractive tourist destination. I see Jakarta is good enough and good at revitalizing its old buildings, but maybe it can still be improved by taking a comparative study to Panama," he uttered.

Besides discussing water management and tourist areas, the meeting also discussed the potential for promoting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and cultural arts products in Jakarta where he was assigned, namely Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

In the meeting, the Acting Governor was accompanied by Economics and Finance Assistant, Sri Haryati; BP BMUD Head, Fitria Rahadiani; and PAM Jaya Director, Arief Nasrudin.

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