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Tingkat Keamanan Pangan Beredar di Jakarta Capai 99,98 Persen
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Food Safety Level Circulating in Jakarta Reaches 99.98 Percent

Integrated Food Monitoring activities held by the Jakarta Maritime, Agricultural and Food Security Agency (KPKP) have had a positive impact. Based on the data obtained, the percentage of food safety circulating in Jakarta will reach 99.98 percent in 2023.

If it is currently at 99.8 percent, it must be maintained and even increased

Jakarta KPKP Agency Head, Suharini Eliawati said the percentage of food security in Jakarta has increased from year to year, so it needs to be maintained and even continuously improved.

"If it is currently at 99.8 percent, it must be maintained and even increased, anticipating the discovery of dangerous ingredients in food products in circulation," she expressed, Tuesday (2/13).

South Jakarta and BPOM Intensify Integrated Food Safety Intervention Program

Consumption and Security Diversity Affairs Subgroup Chair, Solihin said this year's integrated food supervision targets agricultural and livestock products.

During this supervision, samples were taken and tested consisting of agricultural and livestock samples. All samples were examined directly on the spot supported by laboratory car operations consisting of agricultural and livestock laboratory cars.

"In one day, we hold supervision in five markets. Based on the evaluation that public awareness is getting better, the frequency will be reduced. Last year, we sampled one market three times in one year, this year we sampled one market twice in a year," he expressed.

He added the KPKP Agency keeps coordinating with Perumda Pasar Jaya, specifically the managers of each market, thus they are involved in holding supervision.

Aside that, the KPKP Agency carried out monitoring at vegetable and livestock centers outside the city several times, accompanied by the local food agency to ensure and maintain that the food that will be supplied to Jakarta is healthy and safe.

"We only support traders. When we find food that contains dangerous ingredients such as formaldehyde, chlorine, residue, pesticides, and rot, we investigate where the source comes from and ask the them. The maximum sanction given is in the form of extermination," he stated.

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