150 Joint Personnel Clean Up Remaining Post-Flood Waste in Cililitan
Reported by Nurito | Translated by Maria Inggita
Around 150 joint personnel were deployed to clean up post-flood waste at RW 07 Cililitan, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, Monday (3/10).
"Cleaning the residential areas to their original state requires extra effort and time,"
Cililitan Urban Village Head, Sukarya explained that five RWs with a total of 8,800 residents were affected by overflowing Ciliwung River last week. The affected RWs are RW 15, 16, 06, 07, and 05.
LH Agency Ensures Post-flood Waste Handled WellHe revealed that the joint personnel involved in this cleanup activity came from urban village, sub-district, water resources (SDA), Water Body UPS, Satpol PP, Gulkarmat Sub-agency, and other related parties.
"Personnel have been deployed to all locations affected by inundation in these five RWs," he mentioned.
At RW 07, he added, cleanup was carried out manually because the location was difficult to be accessed by vehicles.
"Cleaning the residential areas to their original state requires extra effort and time," he asserted.
Similar thing was also expressed by East Jakarta Environment Sub-agency Head, Eko Gumelar. According to him, this cleanup requires extra time and effort because mini excavator and spider excavator have difficulty reaching a number of locations.
"We estimate that the cleanup work at RW 07 Cililitan will be completed within a week," he said.